The Philosophy of Idenics
Much of what has been written about Idenics has dealt with the concepts and techniques of the subject. At this time, I would like to address the philosophy of Idenics. Herein lies the key to the successful application of this system.
Most methods of self-improvement and therapy have, as an underlying belief that the authority delivering or teaching the system knows more about, knows what is best for, or in some way is above the person coming to that system for help. There is the guru, for example, who lays out the path for his disciples to follow. Or the case of the therapist who decides what is the best subject for a patient to take up. Such ideas may be openly expressed or tacitly agreed upon, but the basic assumption on the part of such an authority is that he knows what the client really needs to undertake.
The above is not written with the purpose of criticizing other systems. I am certain that the basic intent behind most systems is to help people. However, in order to better understand the Idenics philosophy, it is useful to see how what is done in other methodologies compares to what we do in Idenics.
With Idenics’ application there is no altitude assumed by the practitioner over the client; the altitude is always with the client. In Idenics we consider that every person is unique and their viewpoint is unique, and that no one else can accurately say how it is or should be for any other individual. In Idenics we agree with the idea that everything a person wants or needs to know about themselves is within them. Therefore, there is no laid out path that people must follow in Idenics. The Idenics practitioner never assumes that he knows anything about a client, nor does the practitioner choose the subject to be addressed in a session. Through a unique form of questioning the Idenics client is able to inspect a subject from new perspectives – an activity that usually produces great insights into a troubled area. But it is the client who originates the area to be addressed, does the inspecting, and has the realizations. The Idenics practitioner is simply a facilitator in this process.
We can only assist people to the degree that we recognize the true nature of that individual without arbitrary assumptions that limit our understanding. Application of this philosophy has proven beneficial not only to the client but also to the practitioner, who can be quite relieved not having to carry around the burden of pretended knowingness.
In Idenics we have no fixed beliefs about you; no predetermined goals for you to achieve or ideas of how you should be. In Idenics we respect your ability and trust you implicitly on your path of self-discovery.
Mike Goldstein